Like I was saying. . .

Like most blogs, this is just a compilation of stuff that occupies my mind.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Made you look

Are there really people that think that you are a better/worse person because of what you wear? Seriously? No, really?

I've met absolutely sweet, kind, wonderful people in full-out biker gear that my mother would be terrified of. I've met horrible Satan-spawn types in denim jumpers and sensible shoes that would senf my daddy running.

Whether I'm in sweats or slacks, church dress or negligee, barefoot or super cute shoes, I am who I am. My husband loves me the same. My friends love me the same. I'm learning to love me the same.

I guess that's why I'm shocked that there are people who place SO much value on what a person wears. Whatever they're wearing, there's so much more underneath it than a label.


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