Many scattered thoughts.
I'm a pushy know-it-all and my husband has really great ideas about things that I never thought he was even interested in. Like things pertaining to building our house. And managing our money over the short term (he's handled more of the long term/investment things while I do day-to-day, month-to-month house management and bill paying).
It makes me sad, because I wonder how much of my pig-headedness has gotten in his way before. How many times have I pushed aside his ideas, thinking that I knew better because I'm a woman and he's in my "realm"?
This process is teaching me a lot about myself, and some of it isn't pretty. Hopefully I, and we, will come out of it better people.
Oh yes, I haven't posted for a long time. Yes, yes we are building a house. We sold our first home at a pretty nice little profit, so we're able to put it into a home that has more space and we can make "ours", and still pay about the same per month. I'm excited.
The hard part has been the displacement. We left a wonderful church community that was small and intimate and like a family. We're now in a place where they get about 10 new families per week and it's literally standing room only. We were barely noticed on Sunday. I felt lonely and anonymous. Although I did see some people from my past. More on that later.
We're also living with Matt's parents. That's been okay so far. Of course putting two different women in one household is never a seamless transition, but all things considered, things are going well. Nevertheless I miss having my own home, my own space, my own domain. Having all 4 of us in one little bedroom, with all of our "stuff" (we have too much stuff!!!), is a little taxing. The girls aren't sleeping very well so, of course, neither are we. In the end it will be worth it, though.
We hope to be in our new home by the end of November.
As far as my business goes, it's come to a screeching halt. I'm struggling to find the motivation to build it up again. Last month I lost more money than I made, for a few reasons but mostly just not being very business savvy and trying to make friends instead of clients. One lady in particular really took advantage and owes me a great deal of money that I'll never see. She doesn't live far from here, but I'm too chicken to do anything beyond mailing her reminders.
I'll be working a booth at the Idaho Women's Fitness Celebration, and my shift is a really good one. Hopefully that will generate more interest and get the momentum up again.
As soon as we get settled in the new house, I'll also concentrate more on building my piano studio.
Matt is still looking into schools. Work will pay for a great deal of it, but it's looking like we'll have to shell out a good chunk of it, too. I'm SO grateful for the opportunity to get him a degree. We wouldn't otherwise be able to do it. The prospect of more debt scares me, but this is for a good reason.
It makes me sad, because I wonder how much of my pig-headedness has gotten in his way before. How many times have I pushed aside his ideas, thinking that I knew better because I'm a woman and he's in my "realm"?
This process is teaching me a lot about myself, and some of it isn't pretty. Hopefully I, and we, will come out of it better people.
Oh yes, I haven't posted for a long time. Yes, yes we are building a house. We sold our first home at a pretty nice little profit, so we're able to put it into a home that has more space and we can make "ours", and still pay about the same per month. I'm excited.
The hard part has been the displacement. We left a wonderful church community that was small and intimate and like a family. We're now in a place where they get about 10 new families per week and it's literally standing room only. We were barely noticed on Sunday. I felt lonely and anonymous. Although I did see some people from my past. More on that later.
We're also living with Matt's parents. That's been okay so far. Of course putting two different women in one household is never a seamless transition, but all things considered, things are going well. Nevertheless I miss having my own home, my own space, my own domain. Having all 4 of us in one little bedroom, with all of our "stuff" (we have too much stuff!!!), is a little taxing. The girls aren't sleeping very well so, of course, neither are we. In the end it will be worth it, though.
We hope to be in our new home by the end of November.
As far as my business goes, it's come to a screeching halt. I'm struggling to find the motivation to build it up again. Last month I lost more money than I made, for a few reasons but mostly just not being very business savvy and trying to make friends instead of clients. One lady in particular really took advantage and owes me a great deal of money that I'll never see. She doesn't live far from here, but I'm too chicken to do anything beyond mailing her reminders.
I'll be working a booth at the Idaho Women's Fitness Celebration, and my shift is a really good one. Hopefully that will generate more interest and get the momentum up again.
As soon as we get settled in the new house, I'll also concentrate more on building my piano studio.
Matt is still looking into schools. Work will pay for a great deal of it, but it's looking like we'll have to shell out a good chunk of it, too. I'm SO grateful for the opportunity to get him a degree. We wouldn't otherwise be able to do it. The prospect of more debt scares me, but this is for a good reason.
At 9:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
perhaps you should add "I'm also hard on myself" to that list ;)
I love your new icon. pretty.
I think many wives tend to kind of push the "the house is my castle I am the Queen" thing. I know I've tended to feel that way about some things (except I phrase it: "I'm here more than you are, so I want it this way" not so nice of me)
My Gman has some good ideas though and when I've let go of being right and having it my way- I am usually impressed with his brilliance. :)
so how's the house coming?
we love you guys!
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