Like I was saying. . .

Like most blogs, this is just a compilation of stuff that occupies my mind.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Response from my Craigslist ad for piano lessons.

I wonder if people ever actually get away with this stuff? Seems like lots of businessmen/preachers/etc. and their "associates" in Nigeria do, because I still get those emails. Oh, and Great Britain National Lottery? I'm still waiting for my payout; but I prefer cashier's check. No, you may not have my banking information. to me


This is williams bill (not Chris Coleman?).I am from the United Kingdom,my son will be coming for an holiday in the United State,and i wont want him to be less busy (where did you say you're from again?),so i just want to know maybe you can always come and teach him great things (FANTASTIC things!) on Piano Lessons every afternoon.If this is possible,i will want you to get back to me with the cost of your teach ing for two weeks in october(10th-24th).He will be coming to your house for 1 hour each afternoon,2pm-3pm (presumptuous).I have someone that will always drive him down to your house (you're from where, now?) His name is Sam,he is 12 years old.I will want you to calculate 1 hour per day from Monday-Friday for the whole 2 weeks.Looking forward to read from you.
Best Regards

(wow, an Englishman who speaks worse English than any American I know! What a novelty.)


me to

I'm not sure my program would fit your son. I give weekly 1/2 hour lessons for $10 each. He would need time in between to practice and learn his pieces, so a daily lesson for an hour is probably not something I can accommodate, either practically or in my schedule. I might suggest finding some other type of program, like maybe a performance group or activity program with the recreational center.

Thank you for your interest! to me


Thanks very much for the mail.The price is okay wih me (thanks for your approval),he would come for 1 hour and it will be $300 for ten lessons.He will come along with his text books and all necessary accessories (no he won't, I'm not providing Tweenie daycare here),i am from the United Kingdom (you mentioned that.).I hope i will be able to trust you with my money,since this requires honesty and transparency (not much of that in the world these days, is there?).I have an associate of mine (might he be from Nigeria?) owing me the sum of $3600,i will instruct him to write out the check to you (GREAT!),so when you receive it you will have to deduct $300 the cost for ten lessons and send the remaining funds to person who will be taking care of my son during his staying in the United States(HAHAHAHAHAHA). in November.The remaining funds sent to him,will be for his feeding and other commissions (come again?).So if this is understandable (not even remotely) i will want you to get back to me with the following in formations of where the check will be sent to.

name in full
address in full
city state
zip code country
contact phone number

Looking forward to read for you

me to

I'm sorry if my email was not clear. I do not have room in my schedule nor the desire to do an hour lesson every day. My weekly lessons are not even that long, and he would have no time to practice in between. I'm sorry but you'll have to find other arrangements for your son. Of course, since this is a total scam, you won't have to worry about that, will you?

Do not contact me again.

I'll post more if I get anything.


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